HomeKit scenes must be preconfigured inside of the Home app. HomeKit Scene Content: Trigger the HomeKit scene that is written on the tag. Location Content: Tags with coordinates will display the coordinate on a map. Custom Uri Content: Specify your own Uri scheme and data. Simply NFC also has a Uri scheme “simplynfc://”! Scanning a tag containing this Uri will open that app. App Launching Content: Certain apps contain Uri schemes to open them. Telephone Content: Brings up the option to call the provided number. You can then choose to add more to the email or send the email. Open an email window prefilled in with the tag content such as subject and body. You can then choose to add more or send the SMS. SMS Content: Opens an SMS window prefilled in with the tag content such as number and message. You can then choose to modify any content and then add the contact. vCard Contact Content – If you have contact information in the vCard format, the contact import window will appear with the contact information prefilled. URL Content: Opens the URL in your web browser to navigate to webpages using http or https or even other URL types such as file://. Can be set to have the text be read out loud, useful for tagging items. Text Content: View whatever text is on the tag. Simply NFC supports the following tag content: Want a widget or iMessage extension? Simply NFC has a widget which allows quick access to scanning tags and viewing your history and an iMessage extension which allows easy sharing of your history. Want to ask Siri to start scanning a tag? Use Siri Shortcuts to have Siri scan a single or multiple tags. One can also export the scanned history to txt tab delimited, csv comma delimited, or csv tab delimited files. On iOS 13 and up, you will be able to write to NFC tags as well! We support writing all the same tag types we support for reading such as text, HomeKit, URL, and more!
#Apple nfc tag reader full
With configured tags, you can even trigger HomeKit scenes that were preconfigured in the Home app! Better yet, the app has full voice over accessibility support and includes the ability to make text tags that read the contents out loud, useful for tagging items! It’s that simple! No external hardware required! The tag content will be read, stored in your history, and opened automatically on the device with the appropriate app or function. Simply tap the “Read NFC” button to start scanning for NFC tags and then place the back of your phone to the tag. Simply NFC is the most powerful, simple, and accessible NFC writer/reader available.